Sunday, June 25, 2023

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Congratulazioni al Presidente Prof. AV Gaddi - Premio Marchigiani 2023

 È con orgoglio che annunciamo il conferimento al Presidente di SIT, Professor Antonio Vittorino Gaddi, del premio Marchigiani 2023 per la telemedicina nazionale

Congratulazioni Professor Gaddi! 👏...e congratulazioni alla SIT tutta per il continuo impegno nel difendere i principi di moralità ed il rigore scientifico nell'avanzare l'educazione e la progettualità in telemedicina in Italia.

Il Professor Gaddi era in ottima compagnia e tra i premiati ci piace ricordare il Magistrato Nicola Gratteri, uomo di enorme spessore etico, impegnato nella difesa della legalità e nella lotta alle infiltrazioni mafiose in Italia.

A systematic review of cardiac in-silico clinical trials

Just off the press: a systematic review of cardiac in-silico clinical trials.

Reading the paper it's clear how we definitely have some homework to do in digital medicine.

Short recap: In the end 36 papers were included. 

  • the first thing to notice: one must differentiate between studies with the population being digital twins, population models, or hybrid. Important difference in population size;
  • one of the main red flags seen across literature is the lack of demographics reported. Maybe because we still see in-silico clinical trials through the engineering lens rather than as translational research? But the clinical application claims were sure common and heavy! 
  • one of the saddest red flags is that after listening to and reading many discussions on "generating trust in models" to accelerate innovation uptake, most papers to not share validations and uncertainty quantification.

The full text is available here ...and the authors have made available notebooks for anyone to reproduce the images and check the soundness of the analyses here

Monday, June 19, 2023

Le nuove sfide dell'innovazione tecnologica @ LaboratorioSanità 2030

Il Laboratorio Sanità 20/30 torna a Napoli, il 6 Luglio 2023. Una tappa importante verso il 18° Forum Risk Management in Sanità. Una importante occasione di confronto sulle opportunità offerte dalla innovazione digitale e biomedica per il rilancio della sanità in Campania e nelle altre regioni del Sud. L’obiettivo è un confronto tra mondo della sanità, mondo della ricerca e competenze tecnologiche per monitorare come può cambiare la sanità e come questa può essere cantiere per lo sviluppo della ricerca e dell’innovazione. Parteciperanno per ISOMERISM e SIT la delegata per i rapporti con il Governo Cavaliere Maria Rosa Perri, il Presidente di SIT Professor Antonio V. Gaddi, il Coordinatore di ISOMERISM e Presidente di SCImPULSE Foundation Dr Marco Manca, il Professor Mario Giardini.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

New LinkedIn dedicated page ^_^ - Come and connect with us!

We have been so excited about opening our LinkedIn page, that we almost forgot to announce it here to you, fellows and partners in crime of our mission to bring diversity in digital health across EU to fruition for a competitive and inclusive EU 😁

You all know the gist: click on the link and follow us, like, and comment any and every time you agree and would like to add your testimonial, disagree and would like to debate the point made by our posts thus enriching our conversation and widening our horizon... or simply when you have questions or stories to share.

if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together


Friday, June 16, 2023

Customer eXperience Now 2023 - patient experience e fidatezza nel branding in digital health

 Come annunciato, il 15 Giugno 2023 il nostro Eugenio Luciani ha partecipato all'incontro CXNow2023 a Milano portando una riflessione sul ruolo della fiducia e della fidatezza nel costruire la patient experience in digital health.

Nell'ambito di una giornata molto intensa, tra dialoghi su CRM, NPS, KPIs, Business logics, imperniate sulla missione delle aziende investite in digital health, Eugenio è stato accompagnato da Laura Salvadori (E.ON), Florian Rossi (Trustpilot), Adriana Piazza (Qualtrics) in una conversazione orchestrata da Davide Mortari (KYROS) as analizzare il significato di trust nel rapporto esperenziale della relazione di cura, in particolar modo nel contesto della digital medicine.

Eugenio si è concentrato sulla circolarità della value chain, sull'essenzialità dell'azione pedagogica e della cultura della comprensione e dell’ascolto nel contesto delle cure e di tutti i servizi che intorno vengono costruiti. Ha sottolineato l'importanza della costruzione di una comprensione condivisa del contesto operativo e dei fini che si perseguono, e come solo sotto questa lente gli sforzi di safety e certificazione assumano vero significato per gli individui coinvolti.

Ha poi colto l'occasione per sottolineare quanto importante sia la valutazione attenta delle tecnologie all'orizzonte, senza cedere agli entusiasmi che possono travolgere altri mercati, tenendo sempre a mente che l'esplorazione dell’innovazione è si un imperativo morale nel contesto perfettibile delle opportunità di cura odierne, ma dovrebbe essere costantemente soppesato rispetto all'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità di vita dell'individuo e gli outcomes clinici, e non introdurre distrazioni che servano solo ad affascinare senza benefici concreti...  Medici, famiglie, tecnici, aziende, Enti, tutti possono e devono agire protèsi al benessere, alla prevenzione, alla salute non del Customer, non del solo Patient, ma del Citizen, nella totalità delle Persone e del sistema Paese.

Eugenio ci ha detto, dopo l'evento, che "experience" è letteralmente la parola che meglio descrive la giornata CXNow2023, una premessa bellissima per il prossimo CX Healthcare a febbraio 2024.

Grazie da tutti noi alle amiche di CXNow2023 per aver offerto l'opportunità alle riflessioni che fermentano in seno a SIT/ISOMERISM di essere discusse ancora una volta anche in ambito business!

Potete rivedere le diapositive cliccando qui

--English version--

As announced, on 15 June 2023 our Eugenio Luciani joined the CXNow2023 meeting in Milan bringing a reflection on the role of trust and dependability in shaping patient experience in digital health.

In the context of a very intense day, including dialogues on CRM, NPS, KPIs, Business logics, centered on the mission of companies invested in digital health, Eugenio was accompanied by Laura Salvadori (E.ON), Florian Rossi (Trustpilot), Adriana Piazza (Qualtrics) in a conversation orchestrated by Davide Mortari (KYROS) aimed at analyzing the meaning of trust in the experiential relationship of the care relationship, especially in the context of digital medicine.

Eugenio focused on the circularity of the value chain, on the essential role of the pedagogical action and the culture of understanding and listening in the context of care and all the services that are built around it. He stressed the importance of building a shared understanding of the operating context and of the goals being pursued, and he stressed how only under this lens do safety and certification efforts take on true meaning for the individuals involved.

He then took the opportunity to highlight how important it is to carefully evaluate the technologies on the horizon, without giving in to the enthusiasm that can overwhelm other markets, always keeping in mind that the exploration of innovation is indeed a moral imperative in the perfectible context of treatment opportunities today, but should be constantly weighed against the objective of improving the quality of life of the individual and their clinical outcomes, and avoid introducing distractions that serve only to fascinate without concrete benefits... Doctors, families, technicians, companies, Institutions, everyone can and must act towards well-being, prevention, and health, ...not of the Customer, not only of the Patient, but of the Citizen, for every person and the Country as a whole.

Eugenio told us, after the event, that "experience" is literally the word that best captures the gist of CXNow2023 day, a beautiful premise for the next CX Healthcare in February 2024.

Great thanks from all of us to the friends of CXNow2023 for having created the opportunity for the reflections fermenting within SIT/ISOMERISM to be discussed once again also within the business ecosystem!

You can find the slides kindly shared by Eugenio here

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

SIT contribuisce ad alcuni eventi a Giugno 2023 ... seguiteci ^_^

Il 22 Giugno prossimo venturo sarà una giornata molto intensa per SIT. 

  • Dalle 14.00 alle 15.30 il coordinatore di ISOMERISMDott. Marco Manca, si unirà alla conversazione della prima giornata di Donne Protagoniste in Sanità e rifletterà sul ruolo potenziale che la ricerca clinica e la R&S tecnologica possono avere nella lotta allo stigma ed alla discriminazione di genere producendo i mezzi necessari per squarciare il velo che copre le peculiarità di genere nelle attuali pratiche, accecando la medicina ad alcune delle caratteristiche che rendono ognuno di noi così squisitamente unico e prezioso. (Cliccate qui per iscrivervi e partecipare)

  • Dalle 11.30 alle 12.45 la Presidente ed il Segretario Generale del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico Nazionale della SIT, Avvocato Chiara Rabbito e Dottor Eugenio Luciani rispettivamente, contribuiranno ai lavori del workshop Outpatient Experience 5.0 il cui obiettivo è quello di è quello di fornire conoscenze e strumenti a supporto dell'adozione del modello della Connected Care, che si propone di migliorare la Patient Experience mettendo a disposizione degli assistiti servizi e informazioni attraverso piattaforme phygital. (Cliccate qui per iscrivervi e partecipare)


  • Il 15 Giugno 2023 Eugenio Luciani sarà presente all'evento Customer eXperience Now 2023 (che si propone come momento divulgativo, di accrescimento professionale e personale in ottica di sviluppare e far crescere una community di professionisti che si occupano di Experience Management, Governance e Operation) dove contribuirà alla "scena 5" Obiettivo Trust - End-to-End experience, concentrandosi su patient experience e fidatezza nel branding in digital health.

Why many technological solutions to healthcare fail...

 Contrary to most hype seeking alarmist warnings, AI isn't erasing human expertise... in facts, in radiology (by most indicated as one of the specialties most amenable to AI disruption) job postings are growing over time

 Read this interesting testimony about why most living-room AI theoreticians are overselling their products by selling an overly simplistic view of the healthcare value chain that they reduce to "tasks" to easily interface and connect... and why policy makers SHOULD ALWAYS interact with real domain experts and practitioners before buying into any "solution".

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Is it possible to sway collective opinions on social media by choosing to talk to some and not to others?

 ISOMERISM, as an activity emanating from the collaboration of SCImPULSE Foundation and SIT, is invested in public pedagogy about digital (and public) health, and as such it is also constantly studying how to optimize the beneficial effect of its outreach and exchanges, whilst limiting the fallout exploitation by captious agents...

Hence, we have been rather excited when a new manuscript bringing together network theory and communication sciences appeared on our radars, under the title "Link updating strategies influence consensus decisions as a function of the direction of communication".

The authors show that users can bias opinions in their favour by actively breaking ties with unlike-minded others when choosing whom to follow but maintaining ties with unlike-minded others when choosing whom to target. Notably, the effects of link updating were only relevant under the condition that individuals were not highly stubborn (e.g. when uncertainty is high and opinions have not yet consolidated intertwining with social identities of the audience). 

Listen to everyone, but only talk with those who think alike or are sincerely doubtful.

Relating to the above, a very interesting paper came out with the title "Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articles" where the authors reflect on the manouvers played when writing academic papers, often to reinforce the case for one's findings (and sadly to downplay the limitations of ones work)... it's a recommended reading in an age in which journals' profiles no longer (or had they ever?) correlate with the quality of checks over the work and claims presented by authors (an example for all, the recent published and much hyped "Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning" ...a manuscript presenting artifacts and tortured interpretations ...if you would like a more technical and reflected commentary, we recommend you read this by Justine Tunney)

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

If you are interested in producing a phenomenology of digital risks...

  Are you curious about the harms that digitalization and AI are or causing (or not) in the world? Check out these 3 sites that capture reports about accidents and negative consequences of digitalization and AI... which you can contribute to as well

The AI Incident Database is dedicated to indexing the collective history of harms or near harms realized in the real world by the deployment of artificial intelligence systems. Like similar databases in aviation and computer security, the AI Incident Database aims to learn from experience so we can prevent or mitigate bad outcomes

ACM Forum on Risks to the Public in the Use of Computers and Related Systems.  One manifestation of this is the widely-read on-line Risks Forum newsgroup (comp.risks), a searchable archive for which is maintained by Lindsay Marshall at Newcastle 

Web3 is Going Just Great is a project to track some examples of how things in the blockchains/crypto/web3 technology space aren't actually going as well as its proponents might like you to believe. The timeline tracks events in cryptocurrency and blockchain-based technologies, dating back to the beginning of 2021.

Addressing Health and Environmental Resilience in the Mediterranean - Position paper presented at COP29

 We are delighted to share with you that the position paper " Addressing Health and Environmental Resilience in the Mediterranean - Tow...