Saturday, April 15, 2023

One of the prize winners of the SIT National 2021 has just published the full manuscript: Usable Homomorphic Encryption for Private Telemedicine on the Cloud

 Some of us remember the spontaneous scientific contribution "Usable Homomorphic Encryption for Private Telemedicine on the Cloud", by José Cabrero-Holgueras and Sergio Pastrana, which was awarded one of the prizes for scientific excellence attributed by the scientific committee of the 2021 SIT National conference

On March the 31st, their manuscript entitled "Towards Realistic Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning over Encrypted Medical Data" presenting progress on the same R&D effort shared with us in 2021, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (IF=5.846), in the thematic issue "Data Driven and Model Based Computational Futures in Cardiovascular Practice"

If you are technically inclined, or if someone with a more technical profile works in your team, you might love to read that there is a small demonstrator made available to familiarize with the working of the solution: 

We feel a parental bond, for having been the first ones to recognize the value of their research, and we wish to celebrate this publication with the authors: congratulations!

We look forward to seeing the first applications soon... maybe in an Italian pilot and in partnership with SIT? ^_^

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